Alton Juggling Club
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 1400

ALTON Juggling Club is trying to attract new members and is holding a special £1 introduction evening on Sunday, November 16. The club meets at Alton Sports Centre, and is aimed at adults and young people over the age of 16. Younger children can attend but need to be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. The club attracts people f
Dumbo Days: Circus Convention
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 1575

Circus Convention - DumBo Days are training days and master classes for people who are passionate about performing arts such as dance, theatre, juggling, acrobatics, circus. The next edition of DumBo Days is on 14/16 november 2014 in Gent, Belgium.
Gent is only 30 minutes drive from Brussels, 'capital of Europe', so it is very easy to get the
Berlin: Workshop Passing
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: Corsi, Stage e Workshop
- Hits: 2241

In this workshop we will teach different ways of interaction and passing between two people. The main juggling props will be clubs but feel free to join with other objects. We look forward to introducing you to the fascinating world of rhythms, patterns, numbers...or, if you like, to a beautifully visual way of passing that is easy to learn. You n
11th Hungarian Juggling Convention
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- Published by Samuele
- Category: News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions
- Hits: 1386

Dear italian juggler fellows!
Would you please share this event on your national juggling website?
Thank you very much! 11th Hungarian Juggling Convention
23-25 August, 2013 Budapest, Hungary
Come and join us for the 11th edition of the Hungarian Juggling Convention, our yearly international event, which in this year gathers the unicycle riders and hosts the II. HJC Yo-yo Contest, too.
It will take place in Budapest, in the huge glasswalled building of Millenáris, on the weekend of 23th-25th August 2013. We look forward to meet the jugglers, riders yo-yo players and any circus fun from all around Hungary, Europe .. and the world.
You will meet all the favourite programs of the Conventions: Open Stage, where we hope to see you presenting yourself, Renegade, the platform of crazy ideas, Juggling Olypics and Volleyclub for competing.
The Gala Show on friday evening is the highlight program featuring international and hungarian circus acts. Beside all, we came up with a new idea, the so-called Challenge Hour... about it you will hear soon..
Il mercoledì Smette (Jesolo - VE)
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- Category: Spettacoli, Tournè e Kermesse
- Hits: 3105

- 1 e 17 Luglio, : L’ALLEGRO MUSEO AMBULANTE con 6 statue viventi, scoprite i loro accessori e le sorprese che hanno per voi, uno spettacolo che vi farà rimanere di sasso!
- 22 Luglio: PARATA DI ARTISTI 7 buskers, accompagnati da una band di percussionistisi esibiscono in spettacoli vari con fuoco, giocoleria e danza.Lungovia Bafile tra piazza Marconi e piazza Trieste.