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Insane juggle club passing at Web 2.0

  • 768 visualizzazioni
Inviato Da: BadCluster . Categoria: Clave e Torce . Aggiunto il: 19 Marzo 2012.
In questo Video:
Insane club passing at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco.

Featuring Randy Montana, Fast Eddie Pultar, and Luke Closs at the 2007 Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco on April 18th.

The two "takeouts" style tricks are called "Chopabouts" and "Roundabouts". Roundabouts are much easier to learn. The clips of chopabouts are some of the very first runs this trio had. They just got the trick solid that morning. Roundabouts took about 4 hours to learn, chopabouts about 8 more.

Roundabouts and chopabouts were invented by a bunch of awesome germans:
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