
Juggling MapsJuggling Maps

The Juggling Maps are the places where meet other jugglers, work for improve technique, perform, train, or where to buy the juggling tools.
Accessing in this section you will find a map and the small icons, each representing one of four categories:

Gyms (Icon: jester's hat)

Shops (icon: mask)

Squares friends (Icon: flower)

Schools Circus (Icon: circus tent)

Clicking on the title of each spot (or icons on the map) and then click 'Continue reading' displays all the information filled for that spot.

You can also add a new spot

From the main menu of the site click on 'Add a spot' and enter the information on the details, location, etc.

There is also a 'Search', placed on the right of of the map (it’s hidden, click in the arrow) which allows you to search a spot and see if it already exists or not.