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34th Swiss Juggling Convention Information in 2020

34a Convention Svizzera di Giocoleria ed Arti Circensi
18 Set 2020 alle 19:00 - 20 Set 2020 alle 16:00
Ginevra (Plan-les-Ouates), Svizzera

Sembra che malgrado Covid-19 ci sia comunque la Convention Svizzera di quest anno! 
Pianificato al momento: Giocoleria, Aerei, Acrobatica e Mano a mano, Slack line, Monociclo, Clown, Spazio bimbi (niente spazzio fuoco invece), bar, cibo ed angolo stampa la tua maglietta (non dimenticare di portartene una da stampare)

Palestra per dormire. Non dimenticare materassino e sacco a pelo.

]]> (Samuele) Featured News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions News di Giocoleria Tue, 11 Aug 2020 09:06:19 +0200
Audizioni Accademia Materiaviva

Corso Professionale è rivolto a giovani attori

Per l’ammissione all’audizione, è necessario inviare un’email con oggetto ACCADEMIA includendo curriculum, foto e lettera di motivazione. Le audizioni si terranno il giorno 20 giugno 2019 a Roma presso il Teatro Furio Camillo. Ciascun allievo potrà indicare la preferenza di orario fino a esaurimento disponibilità. Il giorno dell’audizione ciascun candidato proporrà una propria performance breve (massimo 2 minuti) e sosterrà un colloquio conoscitivo. La performance potrà essere legata ad una qualunque disciplina a scelta tra acrobatica aerea, giocoleria, danza, acrobatica, equilibrismo, palo cinese, clownerie, recitazione. Il candidato è tenuto a comunicare la disciplina scelta entro il 15 giugno.

Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui

Accademia Materiaviva
via Camilla 44 presso il Teatro Furio Camillo – 0697616026

]]> (Furio Camillo) Featured Corsi, Stage e Workshop News di Giocoleria Fri, 17 May 2019 08:44:37 +0200

acrobatica aerea e la giocoleria

Uno spettacolo di Teatro Circo che porta in scena, attraverso l’acrobatica aerea e la giocoleria, una riflessione sul rumore come metafora di una parte ingombrante del nostro pensiero. Spettacolo di fine anno del Corso professionale di arti performative dell’Accademia Materiaviva. Teatro Furio Camillo -


01 giugno ore 21.00 – 02 giugno ore 18.00
Teatro Furio Camillo
via Camilla 44 – Roma ( a pochi metri dalla Metro A Furio Camillo)
prenotazioni allo 06.97616026 o via email a
biglietto unico euro 5,00

]]> (Furio Camillo) Featured Corsi, Stage e Workshop News di Giocoleria Thu, 09 May 2019 14:24:20 +0200
Fluid Juggling Autumn Special Intensive Workshop in Italy

Fluid Juggling Autumn Special Intensive Workshop in Italy

This workshop is designed for jugglers by a juggler than has learned the hard way :) I knew I wanted more from my juggling and took about every class I could to integrate what I was learning.
I love performing but it is the practice of juggling and how it can touch our lives that really interests me.
This may sound a little far out for some people but after years of juggling it what keeps many of us sane in this mad world :)
Juggling shouldn't be just another job, we can touch the lives of thousands of people and if they feel good, we feel good too, and if we feel good they too.... sounds a bit like the chicken and the egg...

This week long residential workshop in the nature is a condensation of 20 years of my daily yoga practice, three years at the Dimitri Physical Theatre School and 25 years of my personal juggling trip.
This week is an exploration space, I guide the workshop enormously but I fully respect everyones style and tastes.
I'm just interested that we make our juggling alive and that our juggling makes us alive.

In terms of residential workshops I may only plan a ten day act development next august. You see weekend workshops are cool but are over way too fast.... but that's also ok...

If you're just interested in numbers this is not for you, if you're up for having fun and diving into playing around with your techniche then this might just be for you :) for more details or visit the facebook page:


]]> (Anthony Trahair) Featured Corsi, Stage e Workshop News di Giocoleria Wed, 26 Sep 2018 12:38:27 +0200
Out of the box

Workshop di giocoleria

Workshop di giocoleria condotto da Anni Küpper. Questo laboratorio propone delle tecniche che aiuteranno nella ricerca creativa, attraverso la costruzione di differenti e divertenti sequenze di giocoleria. Vi metterà in grado di affrontare in modo diverso la giocoleria, rompere le abitudini e trovare qualcosa di nuovo. Il workshop propone uno sguardo attraverso differenti approcci per creare trick/sequenze/gesti. Nella seconda parte del laboratorio, una volta create alcune brevi routine, vedremo come possono essere migliorate. Questa parte sarà quindi incentrata sul ritmo, concentrazione, lavoro sul corpo e intenzioni.

Anni started juggling at the age of 14. At the Academy for Circus and Performance Art (NL), where she received her Bachelor in 2013, she developed a striking juggling style. Her acts are shaped by conceptual ideas coming from Performance Art and convince with high skills and a charming, authentic stage character. As a versatile performer with solid knowledge in theater, dance and music Anni has been participating in different productions around Europe.

17 novembre dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 19.30
Costo 50€ - Prenotazione Obbligatoria
0697616026 - 

]]> (Furio Camillo) Featured Corsi, Stage e Workshop News di Giocoleria Tue, 10 Oct 2017 11:02:44 +0200
Interview with Eivind Dragsjø

Eivind Dragsjø

Eivind Dragsjø is a juggler who currently holds the world record of 9 clubs, 11 catches. Last year he placed 6th in the Favorite Jugglers poll. He was the youngest person to run the flash of 8 clubs. Here you can see the video. Something that catches my attention is his young age. He is 18 years old, and is already a great juggler. I had the opportunity to talk to him several times and he is a great guy.

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Eivind Dragsjø, I was born on 12 April 1998. I live in Trondheim, Norway. I enjoy being active and have been doing different sports all my life like football, cross-country, skiing, biathlon, climbing and juggling. For the moment, in my last year of school, and next year I’m going to spend a year in the military in Northern Norway....


]]> (Esteban Velez) Featured News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions News di Giocoleria Mon, 03 Apr 2017 09:18:25 +0200
EJC 2015 - 38th European Juggling Convention

EJC 2015 - European Juggling Convention 2015

Dear Jugglers, Welcome to the website of EJC 2015! We hope you are all looking forward to coming to Bruneck in August. The team is constantly working on preparing everything and we are very happy that we have so many motivated and committed people to make this EJC happen and the city of Bruneck is ready to welcome all the jugglers. You only need to register now! The tickets are rather cheep in April, but get way more expensive later.

Pre-Registration is NOW OPEN!
Get your ticket as soon as possible!

Visit the secure EJA registration server to register for EJC 2015 Bruneck!
List of all the prices and ticket types.

Coming soon: Our official EJC T-Shirt Shop (not quite ready yet)

As you know the time to prepare the event is fairly short so flexibility and community spirit will be needed more than ever. Please look for opportunities to help without waiting to be asked.  All the essential parts will be organised (check out the events-page), though no one should expect luxury or perfection. If you want to offer your help and abilities, please don’t hesitate to contact ourvolunteer-coordinators!

A lot of questions have reached us in the last weeks. We collected a list of frequently asked questions here. If you still have any questions contact us via our online contact form.

There are some areas that we still need someone to cover urgently

  • Site setup/teardown: Setting up one week before and clearing up three days after the EJC (please click here to contact Sonja and Bettina).
  • Public relations: Please click here to contact us.
  • Coordinator for the Caravan site: Please click here to contact us.
  • Stand-by man/woman: (drivers licence, if possible 2.8 t or more) Please click here to contact us.

There are some events that will only take place if we find people to organise them


]]> (Samuele) Featured News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions News di Giocoleria Thu, 09 Apr 2015 09:22:34 +0200
EJC 2015 - European Juggling Convention 2015 - Bruneck

EJC 2015 - European Juggling Convention 2015

Dear jugglers, we have some good news for you: Despite all the difficulties in the beginning we are still expecting to have an EJC 2015! There are already a lot of motivated and committed organisers, unit managers and helpers volunteering for the EJC. Thank you! Additionally we have the full support of the town of Bruneck.

The time to prepare the event is fairly short, so we should all expect a simpler convention where everyone needs to contribute wherever possible. Please look for opportunities to help without waiting to be asked. Flexibility and community spirit will be needed more than ever. All the essential parts will be organised, though no one should expect luxury or perfection.

On this website we will try to keep you up to date about what is planned and what is not (yet) planned, then you’ll know exactly what to expect from EJC 2015. Please contact us if you can offer specific help with one of the tasks below. We especially need a dedicated coordinator and many acts for the shows taking place in the Town Hall Square. Please contact (and please write in English or German).

This year it is especially important to ensure the financial security of the event in advance. As part of the community spirit we’d like to encourage everyone to pre-register as soon as possible.  Pre-registration opens in April (exact dates will soon be announced).

Unfortunately, if not enough people pre-register the EJC will not happen. That is why we want you to know what to expect from the EJC before you pre-register. Every registration indicates that you accept and support what we are trying to achieve with this EJC.

There will be a live running total of the registrations on the website. If we don’t get enough registrations and the EJC cannot take place, everyone will get their money refunded (minus bank charges). You can also donate money to the EJC which will increase the chance of the EJC taking place .

This is the current situation (the following list will be updated regularly):

This is what the EJC 2015 will definitely offer:

  • All important locations directly next to each other
  • Two triple gyms
  • Campsite next to the gyms
  • Small aerial gym
  • Fire space
  • Plenty of toilets and showers
  • Parking within a short walking distance
  • Security
  • Pre-registration from April onwards

The following aspects are already well covered, though helpers are still needed:

  • Info-point
  • Stilts area
  • Passing zone
  • Acro area
  • Volleyclub and Jollyball
  • Fight Night
  • Games and Alternative Games
  • Making Of (film, TV, Internet)
  • Open Stages
  • Waste disposal
  • Tech (lights, sound, electricity)

The following areas still need to be covered and that is where we need you (if you are interested please contact:

  • Parade (please contact Sonja on if you’d like to coordinate)
  • Caravan site (we need a coordinator)
  • Street shows: artists (to play 4-6 places in Bruneck) and someone to coordinate
  • Town Hall Stage: Acts for the Opening Show and other shows on the Town Hall Square (alternatively on the Kronplatz in Bruneck) and someone to coordinate.

Please contact us if you have a finished act. This could be a ‘classic’ or something new or even a really nice youth circus act. Unlike Open Stage Acts they will not just be performed in front of jugglers, but in Bruneck as a thank you for their friendly welcome to their town. Please help give something back to the local community and show off your skills. We would like to show off the best juggling and circus skills Europe has to offer. We cannot offer a fee or a free ticket, but a good convention price for everyone and catering on the day for the artists.

The following will only take place if we find people to make them happen:

  • Workshops (please mail in English or German)
  • A good polished website (contents provided by us)
  • Media & PR
  • Youth Circus
  • Aerial coordinator
  • Show coordinator, stage manager and stage hands

Please also visit us on Facebook at


Volunteer meeting on 20th - 22nd March 2015. If you have any suggestions for a location please contact us.

1.8.2015 - 9.8.2015: EJC Bruneck

Liebe Jongleurinnen und Jongleure!

Wir haben gute Nachrichten für euch: Trotz aller Schwierigkeiten im Vorfeld wird es voraussichtlich doch eine EJC 2015 geben. Denn es gibt etliche motivierte und engagierte Orgas, Bereichsleiter und Helfer, die bereits ehrenamtlich für die EJC arbeiten. Danke! Außerdem wird die EJC von der Stadt Bruneck auf vielfältige und engagierte Weise unterstützt.

Da die Vorbereitungszeit recht knapp ist, sollten wir und alle eher auf eine Not-Convention einstellen: Jeder bringt sich ein, wo er kann. Bitte sucht Gelegenheiten zum Mithelfen, bevor ein Orga euch dazu auffordert. Spontaneität und Gemeinschaftssinn werden von uns mehr denn je gefordert sein. Alle notwendigen Dinge werden organisiert sein, Luxus bzw. Perfektion solltet ihr aber nicht erwarten.

Wir versuchen euch hier auf der Homepage ab sofort regelmäßig auf dem Laufenden zu halten, was ihr erwarten könnt und was (noch) nicht. Dann wisst ihr genau, worauf ihr euch einlasst. Bitte schreibt uns, wenn ihr konkret zu den unten aufgeführten Punkten Hilfe anbieten könnt. Insbesondere für die Rathausplatzshows brauchen wir einen eigenen Koordinator und viele Showangebote. Als Kontaktadresse verwendet bitte: (Mails bitte in Deutsch oder Englisch).

Diesmal ist es besonders wichtig die finanzielle Sicherheit der Veranstaltung bereits im Vorfeld zu gewährleisten, denn auch das gehört zum Gemeinschaftssinn. Bitte stellt euch deshalb darauf ein, dass ihr euch möglichst früh voranmeldet.  Die Prereg eröffnet im April (das genaue Datum kommt noch).

Wenn es zu wenige Voranmeldungen gibt, kann diese EJC leider nicht stattfinden. Deshalb wollen wir, dass ihr vor der Anmeldung wisst, was ihr auf und von der EJC erwarten dürft und was nicht. Jede Anmeldung ist dann für uns ein Signal, dass ihr die Bedingungen dieser EJC akzeptiert und unterstützt.

Es wird einen Ticker der Voranmeldungen hier unten auf der Startseite geben. Sollte die EJC aufgrund zu weniger Voranmeldungen doch nicht stattfinden, bekommt jeder seine Gebühren zurückerstattet (evtl. abzüglich Kontogebühren o.Ä.). Zusätzlich könnt ihr diesmal auch schon vor der EJC Spenden zahlen. (WIE?) Damit erhöht ihr natürlich ebenfalls die Chance, dass sie stattfindet.

So sieht der aktuelle Stand aus (die folgenden Listen werden regelmäßig aktualisiert):


Das bietet die EJC auf jeden Fall:

  • Alle wichtigen Locations direkt nebeneinander
  • 2 Dreifachturnhallen
  • Campingwiese direkt neben den Hallen
  • Kleine Aerialhalle
  • Firespace
  • Genug sanitäre Anlagen für alle
  • Parkplatz wenige Laufminuten entfernt
  • Security (ist vorgeschrieben)
  • Prereg ab April

Folgende Bereiche sind gut abgedeckt, Helfer sind dennoch immer noch gut:

  • Infopoint
  • Stelzenbereich
  • Passing-Zone
  • Akrobatikbereich
  • Volleyclub und Jollyball
  • Fight-Night
  • Spiele und Alternative Spiele
  • Dokumentation (Film und Fernsehen, Internet)
  • Open Stages
  • Müllentsorgung
  • Veranstaltungstechnik, Ton, Licht, Strom

Folgende Bereiche müssen abgedeckt werden und dazu brauchen wir euch noch (Interessierte bitte melden:

  • Parade (bitte bei Sonja melden , wer das koordinieren möchte)
  • Caravanplatz (dafür braucht es einen Koordinator)


  • Straßenshows: Künstler, die 4-6 Plätze in der Stadt mit ihren Acts bespielen und jemanden, der diesen Bereich koordiniert.
  • Rathausplatzbühne: Künstler für eine Eröffnungsshow und weitere Shows auf dem Rathausplatz (oder auf dem Kronplatz, dem Hausberg von Bruneck) und einen Koordinator dafür.

Bitte meldet euch , wenn ihr bühnenreife Showacts habt. Es dürfen Klassiker sein oder altgediente Nummern oder neue noch nicht ganz ausgereifte, aber fertige Produktionen oder wirklich gute Jugendzirkusnummern. Sie werden nicht wie Open Stage Nummern ausschließlich vor den EJC-Teilnehmern aufgeführt, sondern in Bruneck als Dank für die tolle Aufnahme in dieser Stadt. Helft mit zu zeigen, was wir können! Wir kaufen diese Nummern nicht ein, sondern liefern sie selber, weil wir europaweit das beste Potenzial dafür haben! Es gibt keine Gage und kein freies EJC Ticket, dafür aber einen guten Convention-Preis für alle und Verpflegung vor Ort für die Akteure.

Folgendes gibt es bisher nur, wenn sich Leute dafür finden:

  • Workshops (bitte bei Sonja melden - Mails bitte auf Deutsch oder Englisch)
  • Eine gut gestaltete Homepage (Inhalte geben wir vor)
  • Dokumentation (Fotos und Clips)
  • Jugendzirkus
  • Aerial Bereichsleitung (evtl. schon übernommen)
  • Showkoordinatoren, Stagehands

Für Freunde des Facebooks, gibt es uns auch dort. www.faceb....


Helfertreffen 20.-22. März 2015. Vorschläge für den Ort werden gerne angenommen.

]]> (Samuele) Featured News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions News di Giocoleria Wed, 07 Jan 2015 12:39:36 +0100
Jugglers’ Calendar 2015

Jugglers Calendar 2015

Here’s a Christmas/Holiday gift for all the jugglers out there! Photography is one of my favourite hobbies, and jugglers on stage are some of my favourite subjects. So like I did for 20112012 and 2014, I made a calendar for 2015 using some of my favourite photos from juggling conventions and shows in 2014.

Download the high resolution versions for printing here: Jugglers’ Calendar 2015 by Luke Burrage (59.6 mb zip file). The resolution should be 300 dpi when printed at A4 size.

I have no permissions from any of these jugglers, so while I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you printing out a calendar, don’t try to make money with these images or anything like that. I released all these photos on my blog under a creative commons 3.0 license, which means no commercial use without my permission. And to get my permission, email me here:

Original post here:

N.dr: Special thanks to Luke Burrage that he have permit to share the calendar with - Home of Juggling Community

]]> (Samuele) Featured News, Eventi, Festival e Conventions News di Giocoleria Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:55:48 +0100